How to change microswitch micro switch lever?
There are three types of installation for the micro switch lever. It determines the difficulty of changing a lever.
Positioning Insertion Type Lever, one of the simplest type to change
- Step one, you can use a tool (like a paper-knife) to open the gap between the micro switch cover.
- Step two, open the cover and take out the lever.
- Step tree, used a new lever to change it and close the cover.
Generally, this kind of lever micro switches is a non-waterproof type, like our G5T series, G6 series microswitch.
Push Type Insertion Lever
- Step one, used your knife to open the metal cover and take it off
- Step two, used a new lever to push it in the right position
- Tip: we need to take the lever off carefully to avoid damaging your microswitch case.
- Some of the sealed waterproof micro switches are using this lever, like our G5W11, G9 series.
Total Insertion Type Lever
- The type of this lever can’t be replaced or it will be damaged the construction.
- Most of them are in a very small size, like our G3 G10 series.
- All in all, it is easy to change a micro switch lever but the total insertion type lever. Hey, Let’s do this.